Below is a plot displaying the Schur decomposition. In the \(\lambda=(\lambda_0,\lambda_1)\) spot we place \(\beta_{4,\lambda}(2,1;3)\), the multiplicity of \(\textbf{S}_{\lambda}\) occuring in the decomposition of \(K_{4,1}(2,1;3)\). Here \(\lambda\) is the weight \((\lambda_0,\lambda_1,\lambda_2)\) where \(\lambda_2\) is determined by the fact that \(|\lambda|\) equals \(d(p+q)+b\). The dominant weights are displayed in green. Click on an entry for more info!
Below is a plot displaying the multigraded Betti numbers. In the \((a_0,a_1)\) spot we place \(\beta_{4,\textbf{a}}(2,1;3)\). Here \(\textbf{a}\) is the weight \((a_0,a_1,a_2)\) where \(a_2\) is determined by the fact that \(|\textbf{a}|\) equals \(d(p+q)+b\). Entries with error corrected via our Schur decomposition algorithm are in orange. Click on an entry for more info!